
Archive for January 17, 2012

Good Bye…!

January 17, 2012 Leave a comment

Previously it was my first vehicle, bike.  this time, it was my first car. it was gone last week. reason was nothing else. just upgrade. and also it was bit old now. it was very sad moment when he’s going away with my car. i used it almost 3 years. except one accident (that also hit from back), i have’t met any small accident for this 3 years. would be good for first vehicle.not even that, all the buyers said, i have taken care of the vehicle well and it’s the best condition ar they had seen so far for this aged vehicle.

but now, i  still have no idea what should i buy now. hatch back model, sedan model. any way there MUST be few things.

1. definitely it should be AUTO. (i love to drive manual. but not in colombo. 🙂 )

2. YOM should be greater than 2003.

3. colour should not be white.

4. no of owners should be less than 2.

5. Mileage (true that it would not easy to find genuine milage) should be less than 60k – 70k

that’s it. nothing much to care. will see if i get any vehicle which have above conditions true.

Good Bye AE 110.

AE110 - 301-1419